Sunday, August 30, 2009

FLASH animation--"Save The Earth"

Got a long time I didn’t update my blog dy, because I got a course for driving that I should attend. Just finished my UJIAN this morning (past dy~~), so now feel free to update my blog—post my artworks.
First one is my FLASH animation project. Theme for this animation is “save the earth”. Under this theme, we were required to design an animation for project 1 & 2. So, my concept is “the only place”, talk about our living place is becoming smaller and smaller because of us—human. We cut down the trees, burn the unimportant parts of the threes, and so on. These actions cause many problems like global warming and so on happen slowly, forest—living place for all animals living in jungle—become smaller, ice mountains—the living place for penguins—become smaller, lands—our living place—also become smaller. This is just like an, what we do, all will effect back on us.
Because the size of my animation is too big that it will take for a long time for loading, so here I just show my interface design for this animation (project 3).

HOME PAGE (as u can see, there are some pics on the wall. And some of the pics are buttons that u can click on it and it will bring u to that sub page.)



CHARACTER PAGE (when ur mouse is on the “next” or “previous” button, the bird will waving its wings like flying just like the pic below u see.)
(when u click on one of the characters, the intro page about that character will appear, just like the page below u see.)



That’s all about my FLASH animation. Any comment? As usual, pls kindly leave down ur comment after viewing my artwork, because it is very important for me to improve my skill, my art sense, my concept, my design or anything that maybe I don’t have or it is my worst part.
Thx for ur viewing~~~

Saturday, August 15, 2009



now I would like to show some of my simple figure drawing artworks~

In this class, actually we're not learning how to draw the figure nicely but learning how to show the expression of each character in a scene.

In the future(next sem), we are going to learn how to draw a storyboard. So now this class actually is quite important for us to have some basic skills.

Here is some of my artworks~

As usual, pls leave down ur comment la after viewing all these~~~


TYPOGRAPHY final project

our typography final project is about using a font that we found and would like to do, then design it as a poster to introduce the font.
actually we need to set a concept for the font. My concept is"The Movie Font"
Because nowadays almost the western movies like "Titanic", "The Last House On The Left" and so on, they like to use "TRAJAN" as their title font.
Don't believe? Do some research u will realize that~
So, here is my final outcome, again, give some comment after viewing this~
thx first la

my BOARD GAME design~

CGPP final project is "board game design"
in my board game, I choose "Cow and Chicken" as my mascot, and the client is "Dutch Lady", the product I promote is "TT-Ratio Advance".
My target audiance is the children between 4-6 years old, so I design my board game in two different colour set which are bright blue colour and pink colour.
Here is my final outcome, hope u all can leave ur comment over here after viewing my artwork~